
School & Community Partners
The Russell County Public Library is a community center that seeks to provide a safe, welcoming environment for all patrons and access to information in a variety of formats. When we engage in collaboration with local schools and organizations, the community reaps the benefits.
Russell County teachers, remember RCPL as you’re planning your upcoming lessons!
School partnership opportunities include:
- Field trips to RCPL
- Visits to your classroom/event
- Story hours
- Tween/teen programming
- And more!
Please contact
Ginger Stapp
Children’s Librarian
Kristina Burton
Youth Services Librarian
RCPL desires to stay connected with the community through outreach opportunities, programs, and visits to the library. We want each individual in our community to discover what our library offers and how we can serve them best.
To find out more about becoming a community partner, contact Program Services Librarian Angela Boggs at (270) 343-7323 or angela@russellcountylibrary.com.
For more information about becoming connected with the library through our outreach services, contact Programs and Outreach Assistant Brenna Posey at (270) 343-7323 or brenna@russellcountylibrary.com.
Upcoming events
Terrific 2s & 3s
March 13 @ 10:30 am Russell County Public Library
RCPL on the Go!: Crystal Springs
March 13 @ 12:00 pm Crystal Springs Apts
After School Play
March 13 @ 2:30 pm Russell County Public Library
Makery Jr
March 17 @ 3:00 pm Russell County Public Library