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1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is a fun way to help prepare your child for Kindergarten. For every book you read (yes, repeats count!), your child can color in a dot on the coloring sheet.

Participating is easy:

  • Sign up at the front desk.
  • Color in a dot on the coloring sheet for every book read or early literacy moment shared.
  • Take your completed log to the library to receive your next log and incentive


1000BBK: 1-100

1000BBK: 101-200

1000BBK: 201-300

1000BBK: 301-400

1000BBK: 401-500

1000BBK: 501-600

1000BBK: 601-700

1000BBK: 701-800

1000BBK: 801-900

1000BBK: 901-1000


Upcoming events

MYO Play Dough for Adults

September 16 @ 4:00 pm Russell County Public Library

Toddler Tales

September 17 @ 9:30 am Russell County Public Library

Baby Storytime

September 17 @ 10:30 am Russell County Public Library

Preschool Story Hour

September 18 @ 10:30 am Russell County Public Library

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