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Fine Free

RCPL is now Fine Free!

RCPL is the 66th library in Kentucky to eliminate overdue fines for items returned late.  All existing late fines have been waived from user accounts.  Got a late item?  Just bring it back!  No hassle, no questions, no fines.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be fine free?

RCPL will no longer charge fines for overdue items.

Why go fine free?

Going fine free removes unnecessary financial barriers, making RCPL more accessible for more people.

Will there still be due dates?

Yes. Due dates help ensure that everyone has maximum access to our collection. Outside of eliminating overdue fines, patrons won’t notice any change in their typical library experience.

Will this discourage timely returns?

No. Several studies have proven that late fines have no impact on return rates. However, the same studies show once someone has late fines on their account, they are less likely to visit the library again. Libraries that have adopted a fine free policy have documented no increase in late returns.

If an item is not returned after 30 days beyond the due date, it is automatically marked as lost and the cost of replacement is assessed to the borrower. If the item is returned, replacement fees will be waived. Items that have been paid for become the property of the borrower and cannot be accepted at the Library for a refund.

What happens to outstanding fines?

All outstanding late fines have been removed from user accounts. This does not include fees assigned for lost or damaged materials.

How will this affect the Library’s budget?

With equity always being a goal, our previous fine policy was crafted with the smallest financial impact on patrons in mind. In the past five years, overdue fines have only contributed 0.2% to our revenue on average. We believe that any loss in revenue represented by this change will be insignificant in comparison to the good that it will do for our community.

Will I still need to pay if I have lost or damaged a book?

Yes. Patrons will still be responsible for any lost or damaged books.

Upcoming events


July 27 @ 10:00 am Russell County Public Library

Walking Club

July 29 @ 5:00 pm Russell County Public Library

RCPL on the Go!: Jabez/Harris Grocery

July 31 @ 3:00 pm Harris Grocery Jabez

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